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St. Paul The Apostle Community Church

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10750 Ohio Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024 United States

July 2019

Sepulveda Transit Corridor Westside Community Meeting

July 30, 2019 • 6:00 pm PDT
St. Paul The Apostle Community Church, 10750 Ohio Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024 United States

Tired of never ending congestion through the Sepulveda Pass? Here's your chance to be part of the solution. Metro is looking at several transportation alternatives, some of which project travel times under 20 minutes between the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. But will this ever really happen? Well, the Measure M sales tax raised $5.7 billion and newer estimates suggest a solution would cost between $9.4 and $13.8 billion. The project could take 15 years to connect the Westside and another 20+ years…

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