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Forest Lawn Museum

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1712 S. Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91205

October 2023

Shaping Gravity: Abstract Art Beyond the Picture Plane at the Forest Lawn Museum

October 19, 2023 - March 10, 2024
Forest Lawn Museum, 1712 S. Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91205
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A new show at the Forest Lawn Museum (a space perched within the grounds of the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale) takes on the age-old genre of abstraction — or specifically how seven artists are taking the genre into the experimental terrains of sculpture, augmented reality, and video. While the exhibition does include a handful of paintings (the more traditional terrain of abstraction), such as Rema Gholoum’s ephemeral paintings of diffusely layered color, many of the works included take a…

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