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USC Visions and Voices
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Tales of Clamor


Mashing up rarely seen video footage from the 1981 hearings that led to redress for Japanese Americans and their families who were incarcerated during World War II, theatrical scenes set in the present and past, and aerial apparatuses, Tales of Clamor is a hybrid theatre-circus piece that examines the sound of silence, the echoes of a little-known yet major moment of American history, and its universal reverberations to this day.

Exploring how difficult it was for many Japanese Americans to come to terms with having their property, freedom, and often families taken from them on the basis of ancestry, the surprising theatrical case study created by PULLproject Ensemble members Traci Kato-Kiriyama, Kennedy Kabasares, and Howard Ho provides rare insight and powerful encouragement for all to speak out and demand justice.
