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USC Visions and Voices
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USC Visions and Voices cordially invites you to celebrate the beginning of our 2018-19 season with joyUS justUS, a world-premiere performance by Los Angeles–based urban Latin dance-theatre company CONTRA-TIEMPO.

joyUS justUS gathers, embodies, and shares stories of joy from South L.A. communities of color. With technical rigor and transformative vision, CONTRA-TIEMPO has collaborated with Las Cafeteras, d. Sabela grimes, Charlese Antoinette, and Tuce Yasak to translate the real experiences of local communities into a performance that will engage audiences to tell their own truths and create spaces of exultation and healing. joyUs justUs is a knowing celebration of the beauty and power of people who have survived immense hardship and injustice with their humanity—and joy—intact.

“Joy is our most powerful tool in building a more just, compassionate, and loving world—we need to learn to use it, and use it fully.” –Ana Maria Alvarez, CONTRA-TIEMPO artistic director

Thursday, September 13, at 7:30 p.m.

Bovard Auditorium (ADM)
