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Pop-Up Pledge Party – Morning Becomes Eclectic

Morning Becomes Eclectic Pop-Up Pledge Party
with Jason Bentley + Anthony Valadez
Union Station – Passenger Concourse
Wednesday, May 10 | 
9am to noon

Our Pop-up Pledge Party takes off this Spring with a LIVE broadcast of  Morning Becomes Eclectic from Union Station!

Join KCRW DJs Jason Bentley and Anthony Valadez as they provide the soundtrack to LA’s morning commuters – spinning live, and on-air, from the Union Station Passenger Concourse, near the beautiful and historic waiting area.

In addition to the tunes, we’ll have a themed photo-booth, drop-in KCRW personalities, and a KCRW Street Team table with plenty of station goodies. New and renewing members can pick up a coffee as a thanks for swinging by and showing their support! We also hear that they have a piano there (wink wink).

Use the LA Metro Trip Planner to connect you to the party!
